Saturday, June 17, 2017

Bare Walls and Empty Classrooms; Fresh Starts and New Beginnings

Note: This post was written in the final days of school. It's taken me a little time to fully reflect on the year and catch my breath from the whirlwind that was the end of this year and the onset of summer.

Summer has finally crept its way into the halls of my high school. Graduation whipped past me like the cardboard caps flying high into the air while the remaining students are completing day two of final exams. The reality of a summer break has officially hit me. This year, my classroom is completely packed in boxes as I will be making my way to the hallway over into a new classroom. Next year brings different preps than I have taught in the past and will also mark my tenth year teaching. While familiar faces will file through the halls again, the feelings that a new era is about to begin has struck me more significantly than prior years.

This newness and sense of excitement mean the potential for meaningful experiences and memories to be made. Fresh paint will be plastered to the cinder block walls and metallic rafters. I have a larger space to be filled with furniture I do not yet possess and actual bullet boards to decorate. Aside from the physical change of location, I am excited to spend time this summer reading a stack of books that have long been piled up on my shelf, spend time with my family, and regather my thoughts as countless educators do during the weeks of summer.

Looking at the walls that were once lined with posters, I realize that a classroom is more than a space for students to learn - more than just a location in which information is presented, and projects are completed. A classroom is a home - a place where young people learn more than just how to write a claim statement or solve a mathematical formula. The best moments of my first decade of teaching are not the moments in which I finally learned how to teach writing introductions effectively or crafted an annotating lesson that reached even the most struggling sophomore readers. No, the moments that I will hold onto for the next chapter in my career are the ones in which I saw a fearful freshman overcome his speech anxiety and work on perfecting a performance to the best of his ability at painstaking costs; the time I witnessed students realize that what was of the greatest importance was not the grade or accolades that come from producing quality work but the memories and lessons that were learned to achieve those rewards; and the countless times where I saw young people being kind souls to one another, great friends, and supportive shoulders for their peers. These moments all happened in this tiny classroom that I've called my home away from home for the last decade.

We will never fully realize the impact we have - the words that are internalized, the takeaways that students will carry with them past their formative years. We will never fully understand how difficult lessons, both academic and life-based, can teach resilience, foster creativity, and inspire young people to become content, productive, and successful adults. While every once in awhile, we are fortunate enough to get a Facebook message, stumble across a social media post of a former student, or even run into a parent at the grocery store and hear about the great accomplishments that our students have earned, too often we do not witness the next phase, but the possibilities that they have before them continue to inspire me to make my classroom and their high school experiences as much as a safe and homelike space as possible.

And while Thomas Wolfe states in the novel Look Homeward, Angel, that "you can never go home again..." I believe that a person always takes just a little bit of home with them wherever they choose to travel. So as I close my door to C19 for the summer and come back to a new classroom to call my own - a fresh place to forge new memories and inspire young people - I am grateful for the lessons my students have taught me during the formative years of my teaching experience. Here's to new possibilities, new paint, and the next set of adventures to be had.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Teach Speech: What I Learned from Year One of Teaching Community College

May is here and the school year is winding down at a rapid pace. This year, in addition to my high school day job, I am fortunate enough to teach an introductory speech course at a local community college. With only one class period left to administer the final exam, I find myself reflecting on the differences between teaching at the high school and college level, the classroom environment, the students, and the sentiments they hold toward public speaking. While my Thursday evenings (and Friday mornings) are extremely tiring, I have sincerely enjoyed this new challenge and believe that this experience has enriched my content knowledge and approaches to teaching speech. This opportunity has also allowed me to observe different students as they transition from high school students to college students.

The night classes I taught this school year are much more diverse, and the age range of student varies greatly. Surprisingly, I am on the younger end of my classroom demographics. What I have found to be the most interesting factor about my students is the different reasons students have enrolled in my class. The introductory speech course is a required course for all students who intend to graduate with an associate degree and is almost always a requirement for students who plan to continue their education at a four-year university. Reluctantly, students do enroll in this introductory course because this course is mandatory, but their goals and aspirations for certifications and degrees vastly span from nurse to botanist to auto-mechanic. Several students speak English as a second language or are first generation college students and starting post-secondary school is uncharted territory. Of course, there are several students in their late teens and early twenties who simply wished to stay home to save money or did not know what to major in yet. Whatever the reason for continuing their education, I have been very impressed with the lengths at which many of these students have taken to further their coursework and attend a three-hour Thursday night class. 

I have certainly gained a deeper appreciation for different types of students and learned a great deal from my colleagues and the opportunities provided by the college. Overall, I am glad that I have taken on this exhausting experience and would recommend that colleagues who teach at the high school level pursue a similar role at some point in their careers at least once. Because of this experience, I have gained knowledge and am more prepared to teach my high school students for what lies in front of them after graduation day. 

Here's some of what I am taking away from year one:

1. The more experience students have with research and writing, the better prepared they will be for post-secondary learning. 

"I was never taught THAT," is a common comment I hear from students when I introduce research assignments. My colleagues and I often lament over these claims and are frustrated because we know exactly what their previous high school teachers have taught them. The fact of the matter is that both research and essay writing skills do not come naturally to most students and need to be reinforced several times. Frequent practice and repetition is the only way for students to become proficient at conducting research and writing about their findings. Through my conversations with both high school and college students, I have come to realize how universal research and writing skills are and how frequently students are required to complete these types of assignments in their science, history, business, and humanities courses. They are often writing papers at the college level without a great deal of technical guidance often, which makes the need to be able to research and write well an invaluable skill that I must be teaching my students at both levels as a way to prepare them to find success in any discipline they choose to study in the future. 

2. Students are still apprehensive to speak in front of a class - even when they have two decades of work experience in an area on which they are presenting to their peers. 

Many of my college students work full time. They are professionals with a wide variety of experiences. Speaking in front of a class should not be as scary for these individuals because they deliver speeches at work, give presentations, and work with customers, but for a myriad of reasons, all students still exhibit a higher level of apprehension than I would have initially expected. Stage fright needs to be the subject of early classes, and all students - no matter their confidence level - need to be given strategies to cope with this anxiety. Even the most confident and experienced speakers can still experience anxiety when a formal speaking experience. Several strategies such as frequent and informal practice to speak in front of small groups, group work and class discussions to build a collaborative and supportive environment are necessary to build students' confidence. Public speaking is difficult, and my role is to create a more comfortable and positive experience for all my students.

3. Students still need clear direction and organization from the instructor (and still won't always read or hear the directions). 

I chuckle to myself a little when I hear the phrase, "Kids just don't listen." Unfortunately, people of any age or profession struggle with listening to instructions fully or reading directions or emails carefully. We are busy individuals who are easily distracted. We all attempt to multi-task and clear the to-do lists as efficiently as possible. As an instructor, I have to remember that my instructions and directions need to be thorough, clear, and repeated a few times to help my students fully understand what is expected of them as they complete any given task or assignment. This year, I have had a few encounters that have reminded me that even though these are adults, busyness is a common factor in miscommunication. Students need support and clear guidance. As for my high school students, they love hearing stories about mistakes by students at the college level, and often respond with, "It's not just me!" 

4. The learning environment and relationship between students and the instructor are still the most vital parts of the learning process. 

Students' lives and backgrounds greatly impact their learning. Their workload, responsibilities, and relationships impact the time they have to spend on coursework. These life factors also greatly influence their interest, passions, values, and beliefs. Understanding our students' lives outside of the classroom enhances the experience in the classroom. Being able to ask a person how their kids are doing, how work was, or about another project for another class builds rapport and improves the classroom environment stronger. With a strong rapport between the instructor and students, the levels of anxiety wane and students feel more inclined to put forth effort toward the class - especially their speaking assignments that require a significant amount of preparation. Building strong relationships is my favorite part of teaching at any level. I have truly enjoyed working with and forging relationships with my diverse college students and love that this element of teaching is still just a prevalent and vital to the learning experience as it is with my high school students. 

This has been such a valuable and growing experience. I have loved watching these students gain confidence and grow as speakers. In turn, I am so grateful for my students' kind words and the lessons they have taught me. With a fresh perspective and a richer understanding of communication theory, I cannot wait to see what the future brings from teaching speech at any level. 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Combatting Speech Anxiety: Ways to Increase Student Confidence with Public Speaking

Recently, I have run into an overwhelming amount of anxiety in my sophomore classroom related to public speaking. For the past few years, I have only taught public speaking skills in a senior-level speech course and a college-level speech course, and in both of those courses, students have either elected to participate or paid to be present. While I still have encountered students with anxiety, I have quickly forgotten how truly terrifying public speaking is to the general population - especially young teens.

Having been removed from working with students who would rather write a ten-page research paper than deliver a two-minute speech, I have found myself scrambling through my list of coping strategies to promote positive feeling toward this experience. While it is not uncommon for any person of any age to express a sentiment of dread when a speech assignment is presented in class, I have come to the conclusion that with this group of underclassmen, I must incorporate a few interventions to quell their fears. Addressing speech anxiety of this magnitude necessitates more than a simple pep talk, although that is certainly a terrific place to begin.

What can we as teachers do to combat stage fright to relatively new public speakers? How do we as teachers build a positive atmosphere for students that instills confidence while empowering students to share their voices?

1. Start by reviewing the rubric.

Students need to understand that formal speaking is about so much more than just standing in front of their peers and talking! Several elements work together to create a speech that is impressive from a technical standpoint while communicating strong content. Content does matter, and that content is created in the preparation portion of the assignment. Effective content often comes in the form of a story, which is easier to remember than a list of facts and makes engaging an audience an effortless feat. Also, when one takes the time to identify various elements of public speaking on a rubric, students can begin to understand and recognize what makes a great speaker impactful and what skills they may need to practice to improve their crafts. Looking at and breaking down the rubric for my most recent speech assignment with my sophomores boosted their confidence. They began to realize that even if they lacked confidence with all of the speaking elements, they could still earn a high grade if they relied on their content, prepared thoroughly, and focused on their strengths.

2. Encourage students to confide in each other about their feelings toward delivering a speech in front of their peers.

Talking about their fears and reservation in an open forum truly does begin to create an open and supportive environment. While we all know that most (or all) people exhibit a level of stage fright, we do not always accept that our peers are just as nervous or more nervous than us until we sincerely discuss is. I like sharing "war stories" with students about embarrassing speech moments. We all have them, and we all can laugh about them later... usually. My personal story is not of a speech but a 6th-grade talent show performance in which my doll that served as a prop's head fell off in the middle of a song. The entire school laughed at me, I terrified some kindergartners, and I was bestowed with the label of "that girl who's doll's head fell off" until well into my high school career, but I didn't die. In fact, I kept singing. Louder. While public mishaps are not amusing at the moment, we all survive them. These experiences often serve as valuable lessons, and if nothing else, they certainly are funny after the fact.

3. Peer evaluate and practice.

An important way to build students' self-efficacy as speakers is to encourage them to practice in front of their peers. Small group practice time forces students to present their ideas and rehearse the speaking situation before evaluation. I also like having a rehearsal day as it allows me to check note cards, gauge how much work has gone into the presentation prior to its due date, and also encourage students in a smaller setting, too. This practice also empowers students to watch critically and develop an understanding of what features create a successful speech. They are quick to be honest but also willing to be kind. This experience leaves the speaker with the feeling that no matter what, they have allies in the audience who know what to expect and are rooting for their success.

When I designate a rehearsal day, I also create a Google Form that reflects the rubric and uses an extension called FormMule to automatically email to go to the student speakers with feedback from their peers. In my experience, students sincerely do read their reviews and are often self-reflective about how much work still need to be done before the final performance.

4. Record student speeches AND provide class time to watch their film.

Every talented athlete or performer watches film of his or her performance. Why shouldn't students watch themselves speak? I am fortunate enough to have 15 flip cameras that students can use to record each other. These mini cameras can then be plugged into USB ports and uploaded to YouTube with ease. I upload these videos to my YouTube account and mark them as unlisted, but students can just as easily upload their videos on their own. Filming can expose the nerves, but even though the end products might make the individuals cringe, they pick up on their nonverbal and verbal ticks so much faster when they can watch themselves and critique their work.

Students will avoid watching their film unless given time devoted to watching their work. They need to be given a designated time to watch their work. They can even use a webtool like to annotate their videos while they watch. When they are encouraged to critique themselves and given guidance, they are far more likely to find value in the experience. I have even had students use these videos to create a portfolio with my senior speech class that they can then use to identify their progress at the end of a semester.

5. Incorporate frequent and informal opportunities to practice speaking and listening skills.

In this first semester back to teaching this level of students, I realize that I did not incorporate enough speaking experiences. Yes, students have participated in Socratic seminars and class discussion, but they have not until this point been tasked with standing in front of their peers to present their ideas. In other public speaking courses, students are asked to deliver impromptu speeches, demonstrate simple tasks like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, teach a section of a text to their peers, and watch/critique other speeches. In my other speech classes, I incorporate video examples of speech assignments that students will deliver and discuss my grading process. Why should this course be any different? While I only teach underclassmen second semester, I now in hindsight realize that the skills and standards in a full speech course can be woven into the fabric of a general education English course with ease. Speaking is such an important pillar of literacy and a necessary skill for all people to find success in any career path they pursue. While I am so proud of my students' this semester, I am eager for next year to begin and to work to use speaking and listening as a way of increasing students' understanding of course content and confidence in all walks of life.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Having Fun with Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is a critical part of education as it measures learning and provides valuable information to teachers about student comprehension and mastery. When the words formative assessment and professional development are uttered in the same sentence, a collective groan can often be heard bellowing from the staff office. This month, I was charged with the task of encouraging colleagues to make assessments a little more tolerable and dare I say fun? With articles such as 56 Examples of Formative Assessments  and 55 Digital Tools and Apps for Formative Assessment Success, the options for making formative assessment more enjoyable seem more exhausting than exciting. 

Reflecting upon the needs of my colleagues and the tools most commonly being used, I wanted to keep the list of options concise and instead focus on when and why to use these tools as opposed to what to use. When exploring the vast options of outstanding (and free) tech tools, the sheer number of possibilities seems to deter people instead of encouraging the adoption of new methods of formative assessment. The most common tool heard (which is unmistakable by its memorable theme music) when walking the halls of my school is Kahoot. The students still find it appealing, the music does incite an unstoppable head nod, and teachers find they can create a Kahoot quiz with relative ease. While I do love to incorporate Kahoot as a quick opener or a fast refresher before a quiz, I find that the game has a few limitations, which is why I selected a few other tools to combat these restrictions and provide simple solutions to my colleagues. 

Quizzizz and Kahoot are incredibly similar, which has discouraged me from using Quizzizz until fairly recently. While it is possible to share a Kahoot with students for them to play on their own, it is a bit of a hassle as Kahoot requires two screens - one for the questions and one for the responses. Quizzizz alleviates this issue as it combines both screens into one, which makes single person play more accessible. Also, Quizzizz has a button to share directly with Google Classroom, which makes assigning it for homework or optional play smoother. Also, Quizzizz allows teachers to express their creativity and include the use of memes (which can be designed personally or simply generated from Quizzizz). My students are OBSESSED with memes, and this formative assessment tool makes reviewing material funny and downright sassy when students select an incorrect response. Again, this tool is similar to Kahoot in several ways, but it has a little more flexibility, which means that the game does not necessitate class-time to be played. 

2. Quizlet Live

So many teachers have been utilizing Quizlet for the flashcard feature. A considerable amount of colleagues have even allowed students to play the games that are automatically generated by Quizlet to help review key vocabulary and content. Few teachers have played Quizlet Live with students as it requires a minimum of six students to play. It is not a game that an individual can test on his or her own. What I love about this tool, however, is that it requires no additional work from a teacher aside from pressing the Quizlet Live button, the game automatically and randomly groups students, and the game requires actual conversations and collaboration to successfully win. Quizlet Live is a fast-moving experience and definitely gets the crowd burning for learning. 

3. Socrative

Socrative seemed to be popular among early adopters of technology in my school. Since the use of Google Suites has increased, the need for a quizzing tool like Socrative has decreased, but one feature provided by this webtool offers a unique benefit to teachers, especially during an observation. Socrative allows teachers to generate an automatic exit ticket or automatic question (free response, multiple choice, or true/false), which makes gather both qualitative and/or quantitative feedback immediate and personal. Socrative a great tool for this reason and seems impressive in spite of its easy implementation.  

While I love these four tools, I am always eager to learn about fresh and captivating webtools that increase student comprehension, engagement, and also provide meaningful feedback to improve instruction and learning in my classroom. Recently, another teacher shared Recap, which allows students to summarize what they learned at the end of a period or unit, which has many great features including emailing videos to parents and creating a highlight reel for the class. This tool also asks students to rate their own knowledge. New formative assessment tools like this one are being created and shared all the time. Other favorite formative tools include: Google Forms, Padlet, TodaysMeet and GoFormative. While it is often difficult to stay informed of the most popular and practical tools for formative assessment, having some knowledge of a few critical tools can certainly make learning and gathering valuable knowledge of our students more fun! 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Using Feedback to Make Assessments More Meaningful

Image result for feedback

This semester, one of my goals has been rethinking feedback - how I give it, how I maximize the impact of feedback given, and how I can produce more meaningful feedback for my students. So often, we as teachers spend hours of our lives reading through student responses, adding comments on papers, and correcting grammar only to find our labors tossed into the recycling bin, or more accurately, discarded into the digital cloud since most of our students' papers are now submitted electronically. Feeling the disappointment of my comments not reaching my students one too many times, I began to reflect on why I provide feedback to my students. This form of communication with students is utilized because it shows that I care about my students as readers, writers, and thinkers. Providing a detailed reflection on their work in a time-efficient manner can foster my relationship with my students and allow me to identify their strengths as students and people. Furthermore, I craft comments with the intention of encouraging growth and engagement, but if students aren't reading my comments, then all of this effort is for naught.

How do I solve an issue that goes back well beyond my time as a teacher? How do I ensure that my students are receiving their feedback, and more importantly, how do I ensure that they are processing that feedback in a manner that will improve their academic abilities? After a quarter of reflection and attempts of personalizing my feedback, here are my conclusions:

1. The more immediate the feedback, the more effective it is. 

I grade believe in grading papers quickly. When I have an assignment to grade, such as a literary analysis after finishing a novel, I tend to forgo sleep. Instead, I stay up by the glow of my computer screen or better yet, I set an alarm and wake up especially early to complete a half class set of essays before school begins. This practice is slightly unreasonable, and my husband has since learned that we plan our lives around grading as much as possible, but I believe that this practice is critical. When I grade an assignment quickly, it shows my students that I value their work. Their achievement matters and the work is still fresh in their minds. The more immediate and direct the feedback is, the more likely they are to care. If two or three weeks pass, they will have long forgotten the assignment or no longer care to revisit the content that has since been replaced by a new text or a new unit. Immediacy also surprises students. They aren't expecting feedback yet, but when they receive it promptly, they are more likely to care and more likely to be interested in what is said.

To make this process a little more feasible for educators, tech tools such as Permanent Clipboard, Google Keep, or Auto Text Expander allows grading essays at a faster rate to be a more realistic goal. When a teacher can craft a comment bank, he or she can provide more detail, begin to recognize patterns in student work, and even insert links for students to gather more information. Other ways to provide more immediate feedback is creating automated feedback such as inserting comments on a Google Forms quiz, adding personalized comments in Google Classroom, or creating more student driven formative assessments in web tools such as Quizlet, Kahoot, and Socrative. No matter the type of feedback or assessment for which a teacher is providing commentary, the more immediate the feedback, the more invested they will be in what these comments say.

2. Feedback should be delivered in a variety of ways. 

Feedback does not always have to be extended written feedback by the teacher. Feedback can come in several forms - it can be illustrated, comments can be coded by the teacher and students, and it can even be audio. Effective feedback can be delivered via voice comments or screencasting, a method that I have discovered my students appreciate (or at least a form to which they pay attention). Diversifying how one provides feedback is also rejuvenating for the teacher.

Diversifying formative assessments can also provide great information to teachers and students. Formative assessment is a fast and effective manner with which to provide students with feedback as to where they stand individually and in comparison to their peers. Using Google Quizzes to illustrate their percentages and talk about their understanding is a great tool. Kahoot, Socrative, PollEverywhere, and other similar tools also provide feedback, encourage discussion, and also make learning a little more fun. When students have a variety of tools to show them what they know and remind them of what they still need to learn, it can create a dialogue between a teacher and students, motivate students, and drive instruction. Formative assessment does not need to count in the grade book, or it can. This type of assessment is flexible and provides such valuable feedback to teachers and students alike.

3. Formative assessment does play a significant role in the outcome of summative assignments. 

Scaffolding and chunking assignments can help students to create better final products. Whether it is writing a paper, comprehending a major concept, or crafting a presentation, providing students with feedback along the way through formative assessments can help students to redraft their work, make corrections, and increase understanding. As a means of striving to use a larger variety of formative assessments in this quarter, I decided to break down a writing assignment into more of a writers workshop, and the process yielded significant results.

For the paper assignment my sophomores recently submitted, I used daily face-to-face conferencing, screencasting, and traditional written feedback. I set clear and specific formative checks into the writing schedule. Throughout the process, students were more engaged, completed their work, and showed measurable growth from the previous paper assignment turned in early in the quarter. They knew what was expected of them and could articulate what areas in which they still needed help (i.e. quote integration). By providing a variety of types of feedback, students seemed to understand what I was expecting more and were more willing to talk about their writing with their peers. While providing this feedback took more of my time and felt tedious, I was encouraged by the results I observed in my students on a formative level and when I graded the summative draft. Chunking the paper into smaller formative assessments was tedious and time-consuming, but I found that when students were engaged in this process, I had better results. Finding ways to tie formative assessments into larger summative products can help students to grow and produce better summative products.

4. The more personal the feedback, the more likely students are to engage with it. 

During this quarter, I have attempted to find a way to encourage my students to interact with their feedback. If I'm spending the time to provide it, I want students to view feedback as meaningful. To encourage students to look at my critiques, I've started creating a highlight reel using Screencastify to point out repeated mistakes and give an overall summary of what I found with their writing. Creating videos only about 90 seconds to two minutes long, I have found that students are far more likely to open the documents that I have commented on and look at the comments after hearing my voice and watching me point out specific annotations on their papers. Yes, this does take some time, but it has encouraged students to reexamine their work. Screencasting works better on shorter writing assignments and projects than it does for longer essays, but it is another tool to make feedback personal.

Note: and EdPuzzle can provide teachers with ways to annotate videos if students are submitting a video project. I have seen history and science teachers create powerful feedback using these tools!

5. When feedback is given, students should be held accountable for reading and interacting with their feedback. 

So often because of time I find myself skipping this step. Also, when I allow students to revise, few students take advantage of this opportunity unless it is required. One idea that has helped increase student engagement with formal comments is requiring that students comment back on my feedback. For longer assignments, this might be too involved. An alternative might be to have students comment on repeated mistake or a specific number of annotations. Another tool I use to encourage student reflection is using Google Forms to encourage targeted self-evaluation and reflection. Asking students to grade their own work, justify a specific a grade that they believe they deserve can be a meaningful process. Students are often honest about how diligently they have worked, talk about strengths and weaknesses, and will share areas in which they need more help. As with any assignment, this process can be time-consuming, but when students process their learning, it is time well-spent.

Providing feedback is such an important part of our roles as teachers. Finding ways to make it more engaging and efficient is a passion of mine. Not only does improving the quality and speed of the feedback process make our jobs a little easier, but it also makes our efforts more meaningful.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Reflecting on Google Classroom: Evolving with the Updates

Google Classroom was released in August 2014. In that time, its evolution has provided a platform that not only helps instructors deliver content to students but also create a community in which students can become active participants in learning. Syncing Google Products in one location makes managing workflow easier and also provides teachers with many modes of instruction. Recent upgrades to this platform involve student and teacher notification options, syncing with a variety of other educational platforms, and choices of how, to whom, and at what time teachers push out assignments. The consistent improvement to this free platform has incredible potential to not only improve a teacher's productivity but also create unique and meaningful learning experiences for students.

As my district prepares to officially be one-to-one next year with Chromebooks, I could not be more excited about a few recent upgrades to Classroom and what that could mean for students and teachers alike. What is so neat about the quick evolution of Classroom is that it continues to respond to teacher's needs and makes delivering content to students a more efficient, effective, and accessible process for people with all technology skill levels.

1. Notification controls.

Teachers and students can specify whether they receive notification controls. As educators, we receive an incredible amount of emails each day. For some, Google Classroom notifications can be overwhelming. For me, I find it helpful in managing my workflow and keeping track of students who submit late work. With student absences, these notifications remind me to return to a past assignment and grade makeup / late work. Students can also receive notifications or turn them off as needed. These notifications tell students they have an assignment due and inform them that they have feedback. For several of my students, they express that they like knowing when they have a new assignment or announcement in Classroom. Again, in a fast-paced world, this feature helps keep them organized, but if students find it overwhelming, they can turn it off, too.

2. Topic Feature:

For a long time, the stream of assignments felt overwhelming to me. The topic feature allows teachers to narrow the stream down just a little bit adding topics. I enjoy organizing ideas by topics (or units). Adding topic tags can help students locate key information more efficiently and simplify their list of assignments as needed.

3. Individual Assignments:

For a long time, I struggled with creating group assignments or individualizing lessons using Google Classroom. Being able to select students and assign individual assignments has revolutionized group work and collaboration. Now, I can assign a group document or project to a few students and have them share that document with their peers. Instead of students making a copy and changing share settings with me, I can push specific assignments out to particular students. I can also target students and provide different assignments to students based on individual skill levels. This ability to differentiate learning is straightforward and allows me to meet different students learning needs. It is also easy to track these assignments once they are pushed out because the assignments in the stream list who has received a given assignment. I no longer have to keep track of who has what assignment because the record is kept for me. I love this feature and have seen students respond particularly well to group work using this feature. 

 4. Schedule Assignments:

Scheduling assignments is helpful for a variety of reason. To avoid pushing out too many assignments at one time, I can schedule assignment to appear at a later date in the order in which I want students to complete them. Also, I can schedule a quiz to appear at the onset of class, instead of the morning of the assignment. To avoid students looking ahead at assessments, the scheduling feature allows me to be prepared for class while controlling when students have access to work. Scheduling assignments allows me to stay ahead and organized while ensuring that the timing of assignments is effective for my students. For people who like to plan ahead, this feature is fantastic.

5. Questions

A few weeks ago, a colleague came into my room and wanted to know an easy what to have online discussions with students. Using Blogger, TodaysMeet, Padlet, and other webtools can provide ways in which to have class discussions, but one of the fastest and easiest ways to have a discussion with students is using the questions feature in Google Classroom. Students can post, read, reply, and engage with their peers as quickly as a teacher can post the question. This feature is one that I find helpful when I have a few extra minutes in class. Students like participating in online discussions and the questions are easy to find. Having these discussions through classroom allow students to review these conversations at a later date as well. While I love other webtools for online discussion, using the questions feature allows class learning to stay in one easy to find location for both students and the instructor. 

6. About Tab

The About Tab in Google Classroom has countless possibilities. I like to link my Classroom Agendas folder to Classroom in the About Tab. I have also seen people link a class calendar here, too. Key assignments and links can be placed here to help students access critical information. I am still researching different ways in which to use the About Tab. Like with many features recently added, there are so many possibilities! I am excited to evolve my Google Classroom pages with the product itself to ensure that I am meeting the needs of my students. 

Resources for more about Google Classroom: 

There are a multitude of resources available to help teachers with Google Classroom. It is a bit overwhelming, but people are willing to share ideas. As it continues to evolve, I am even more excited about what this user-friendly product can do to help both teachers and students manage Google products, collaborate, create, and learn. 

Friday, February 24, 2017

It's Not About The Points: Ending a Speech Season

And just like that, another 200 days of my life have passed by in a flash. The competitive speech season is a grind. Beginning in late summer and ending in the (typically) frigid months of February is tough. The hours required to produce a successful team or at least a mildly competitive are much greater than anyone outside of the speech community would ever expect. While students might practice in groups, they must perform individually. With 65 students at eight minutes a script and each student being at least double entered, it does not take long to realize that in any given practice week - that is A LOT of practice time. That total comes to 17 hours and 20 minutes a week. That sum does not take into consideration time to review notes, stop-starting performances, the inevitable prolongation and procrastination of my students, the laughter, and most important the moments that matter most - the life moments.

During practice, a speech coach does more than teach students to deliver clear and succinct messages, more than refining gestures, and more than developing nuanced emotions that convey a clear tone. Speech coaches act as parents, counselors, life coaches, mentors, and even friends. They feed (literally the amount of Wheat Thins and Cheerios I have shared is too much to count), comfort, and console. After 200 days of playing these various roles, I am emotional and physically exhausted. My creative spark has been temporarily extinguished, and I am desperate need of refueling.

This past weekend at the IHSA State Tournament I cried more than I ever have a speech related function (Except when I was two months pregnant with an awful case of a 24-hour stomach flu at Sectionals in Rochelle. Yes, that IS as terrible as it sounds).  My tears were a reaction to the culmination of a season filled with so many memories. Feelings of gratitude, joy, and relief began to rush over me. I altered between laughing and crying for quite some time. What I learned from this past weekend is to embrace the advice I preach to my students - to remember that we are not defined by a single moment. Instead, we are defined by our habits; we are defined by what we do when no one is looking and the kindness we show others. No matter what final round posters or tab sheets report, these students have crafted powerful messages, and the confidence, poise, and grace they have developed will remain with them for years to come.

How does a coach end a season filled with personal growth, medals, laughter, and memories that will last ?

1. Celebrate students.

I am always in awe of young people who elect to participate in speech. Public speaking is often avoided by students and adults alike. The workload for this activity is highly demanding, and the rewards are few, but these students resiliently strive to improve their delivery skills and messages for seven grueling months. Tournaments are long, and the subjectivity of the activity can be disheartening. These students show their mental strength, integrity, and poise. As such, they should be commended and celebrated. After high school speech is done, these students will take their skills and lessons learned and use them to impact all those they meet in the future.

2. Celebrate the work.

One performance is not the work of a single individual. Several adult coaches, peers, and the student himself or herself put in countless hours to refine a message. No matter the points earned or the final outcome of any tournament, the work and effort put into making a presentation is an important instructional process. When a student understands and values hard work, their efforts will transfer into other avenues in life. They will continue to strive to achieve high goals, which will result in exciting endeavors beyond formalized school. Again, the purpose of speech is not the medals won; the purpose is about the process.

3. Reflect.

Team dynamics must be finessed. Creating cohesion, unity, and maintaining moral is a sensitive task. Keeping team traditions alive take a great deal of planning. Reflecting on the team's growth is important to fuel the start of the next year and to determine what the focus must be based on the returning members and the mood the coaches hope to instill in the next generation of the team. To begin this year's reflection, I picked up the book Win at Losing: How Our Biggest Setbacks Can Lead to Our Greatest Gains by Sam Weinman. Competitive speech is marked with failure and criticism. Teaching students to "fail big" and embrace rejection as a valuable learning tool is what keeps students waking up at 5 AM on a Saturday and subjecting themselves to ridicule and partaking in an activity that most people fear worse than death. I hope to continue to understand how to improve camaraderie and build a strong team.

4. Rest.

To be an effective teacher, mother, wife, friend and coach - I forego my health. After months of forgetting to take a lunch to grade a few papers thus freeing my time to watch more film or waking up at 4:30 to finish lesson plans, I need to sleep... or better yet, hibernate. The time to recover and rest is essential to fuel an effective coach of any sport or activity at the end of a long season. A recent NEA article entitled "Not Getting Enough Sleep? Tired Teachers Aren't Usually the Best Teachers," has reminded me that to best serve my students and my family, I need to catch up on sleep!

5. Begin planning for next season. 

Scripting is an arduous process. Finding, cutting, and pairing students with pieces take a great deal of time. Identifying meaningful stories and messages that will engage audiences and add value to the lives of those who hear it is no simple feat. Recognizing students' strengths, taking into account students' interests and experiences, and building the right stories involves reading countless scripts, thumbing through memoirs and nonfiction texts, and watching every talk on TED's website.

Tweets by @Steph_SMac